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What creates choice paralysis?

We are so focused on UX and design we forget how our site visitors think and how complex making choices can be.

The role of the marketer is to sell, the role of the Conversion team is to increase selling power of the site. Yet, so much energy and effort is dedicated to Usability, Interaction, Pricing and discounts, or just... making things pretty.
Very few digital marketer actually know how decisions are made, how our visitors make purchase choice, so how can you remove decision paralysis?

In this old school CRO course:
We are going to look at the teachings of renowned Ivy League professors. Understand what facilitates and blocks choice. Remember, many large brands use this insight to increase sales in brick and mortar store, in your own supermarket... you will learn the psychology of consumer choice as defined by world famous and well-known psychology and behavioral scholars such as Sheena Iyengar, Barry Schwartz, and Dan Ariely. We draw from these decades of research to define rules and principles you can use to guide your CRO objectives and give credibility to your AB testing strategies.

Just a few things you will learn:
  • How consumers make choices.
  • Understand the psychological blockers to choice.
  • Pillars of choice simplification.
  • How to influence consumer choice.
  • How to categorize your products to facilitate choice.
  • How increasing alternatives can be terrible for conversion.
  • How using incremental small choices can increase conversion rates.
  • How the lack of product differentiation will hurt your conversion rates.
  • How well-crafted Value Proposition helps product differentiation.
  • How you can help visitors short list alternatives and convert.
  • Part of the CRO course bundle

    About the course

    Quick facts about the course, whom its for, how long it is

    • Complexity level: Simple and powerful rules for everyone

    • For whom? Marketers, CRO teams, content editors and head honchos

    • Length: Short simple course ~45 minutes

    This course is free

    Just enroll in this course and watch it free for 180 days

    CRO course bundle

    Get 1 year unlimited access to all 30+ courses, 240+ lessons in over 50 hours of videos training.

    Watch Intro Video


    Get to know the Optimization Academy

    Social proof: testimonials

    eCommerce & CRM Director, Tsakiris Mallas / f. Chairman of the Greek Ecommerce Association

    Fotis Antonopoulos

    eCommerce & CRM Director, Tsakiris Mallas / f. Chairman of the Greek Ecommerce Association

    Those of us that are passionate about eCommerce, know very well that our industry's Holy Grail is called 'Conversion Rate Optimization'. Yet, the problem is that only a few professionals know how to implement a good methodology in order to gain maximum CRO results. The rest of us rely on some past experience, a couple of white papers and/or some youtube videos. All that, until I recently discovered the Optimization Academy. I have downloaded/subscribed to numerous courses, so I said 'why not?'. I have to admit, without being too excessive, that it was one of the best personal investments, the past few years. Very practical, spot-on, fast, entertaining and above all very qualitative. To the point, I restarted the course, once I finished it, to discover more and more data.  Thus, at the end of the day, it comes to the big question... "Would I recommend it?". To my good friends and colleagues, definitely yes. To my competitors, I guess not. :-)
    E-Business Manager, BSB Fashion

    Dimitris Travlos

    E-Business Manager, BSB Fashion

    Frankly, Mr. Imhoff is one of the very few who manages to impress me every single time I meet him. If you’re really into actionable insights, practice over theory, efficiency over extravagance, precision over vagueness – and all these expressed with a wonderful non-political correct attitude.


    • What is the CRO bundle?

      The courses are not meant to be sold separately since most of the knowledge is built from previous courses...
      So getting the CRO Course Bundle gives you all the courses, existing and upcoming, with full freedom to watch individual courses in any order you want.

    • What makes your courses unique?

      I get this a lot, no surprise there...
      The courses are based on rules and principles we developed and taught in our CRO agency.
      Unlike a lot of courses that are very good, but very theoretical, and most people find it difficult to apply to a website or AB testing. These rules and principles I use all the time to build my experiments and guide my conversion optimization decisions

    • Is this a long course?

      No not really. each course is between 20 to 40 minutes on average, designed to establish fundamental principles you will need to evaluate your own pages and site journey.
      The multi-lesson courses are longer in the 40 to 90-minute range.

      All courses are made up of individual "lessons" and each lesson is from 2 to 15 minutes long.

    • Why are the courses numbered?

      The initial CRO training program was designed as a series of sequential courses,starting from #1 and then #2 etc.. But, some companies and people don't want to go through all of them in sequence, so you are free to jump around. I recommend that you start from the beginning as the courses build up knowledge in layers and references learnings from previous courses

    • Is this just for beginners?

      Oh no no no... You would be surprised how even the pros don't know these principles.
      You may think some of these are simplistic, but they are not.