Event pricing options

Ticket options for single or multiple attendees + 1 Yr unlimited academy access


  • How do I pay by credit card?

    Step 1: Select event ticket you want
    Step 2: Click on "Pay by Ccard"
    Step 3: Register and proceed to payment options
    Step 4: You will receive a payment receipt, no need to download an invoice

  • How do I pay by invoice?

    In the pay by invoice box:
    Step 1: Click the "free preview"
    Step 2: Register and enroll
    Step 3: Go to the lesson section that matches the number of students you want
    Step 4: Download the invoice Follow payment instructions on the invoice.

  • I still need help for payment, help me!

    No worries, send us an email at:
    [email protected]
    and I can send you an invoice directly. Please include your company and contact information including VAT number and I will take care of you.

  • What's included in the event tickets???

    Ok, let me explain: All tickets include the live training for a full day at the OTE Academy in Athens Greece + coffee breaks + lunch...

    Attendee only ticket:
    Includes the Live event only but does not include access to the 30+ courses on the academy.

    Attendees + Academy access tickets:
    Access to the live CRO Powerday in Athens plus, each attendee in the package gets their own free +1yr unlimited access to all the courses on the Academy.